ago on a silent night, hark! the angels did sing. There, in a wooden
manager, the birth of a king. Set in the town of Bethlehem,
Silent Night
has all of the elements needed to capture the peace, joy, and meaning
of the very first Christmas season. You'll find the three wise men and
star of night, a donkey and a lamb, and the backdrop of Bethlehem. There
are plenty of buttons, flowers, borders and frames, plus an alpha set
to help you decorate your page. Scrap photos of your children's Sunday
school performance, your favorite Christmas carol, even the newest
addition to your nativity scene collection! You might even consider
crafting your own Christmas cards, gift tags, and thank you notes.
Celebrate the peace, love, and happiness of the Christmas season, and
remember the reason, with a beautiful Silent Night layout.
There are 120
Unique Ellies, 1 Alpha and 32
Unique Papers to delight you!
Silent Night is 30% off during it's introductory week!

Silent Night will be 30% off for the first week and if you purchase this kit between now and December 19, you'll receive
the basics pack for free. No need to add both, simply add this kit to
your cart and the basics will be included in the download.
Take a look at the beautiful layouts our CT made with this kit.

Love our pages? Be sure to stop by
Wendy's blog Friday for the amazing freebies we've made just for you!
Here is a closer look at my layout and my freebie!