Just Us {July} from Wendy Tunison Designs is finally here! This kit has been a long time in the works. Wendy put it off over and over again because in her heart, it had to be perfect when it was finished. She says, "America, the beautiful, land that I love. I think I was born with red, white & blue in my veins. From the time I was a little girl, I remember how the national anthem brought tears to my eyes. As an adult, the 4th of July is my favorite holiday. I love the home town parade and the barbecue and the fireworks. But what I really love about it is spending time with my friends and family as we celebrate our independence. I love seeing our town decked out in flags and red, white & blue. I love the way everyone comes home to visit and I love the atmosphere. There is something about the flags flying in the wind and the soldiers dressed in uniform passing out flags to the children that brings a tear to my eye. I am so thankful to be blessed enough to live in this beautiful land. I wanted to created a kit that encompassed the way I feel about this special holiday. I hope you'll fall in love with the old fashioned feel of this kit."
Just Us {July} is 30% off during it's introductory week.

In addition to all of these fabulous pieces, our CT has put together another awesome assortment of quick pages for you! Imagine all of their talent-laden pages ready for you to simply add your photos to! Oh my!
Wendy has bundled this selection up into 3 different bundles for you. If you just want the U.S.A. pieces, you'll want to pick up this bundle...
Looking for just the Canadian pieces? Grab this bundle...
Need to have it all? Wendy's got a killer deal for you on this bundle that includes everything!
I bet you want to see all of the A-MAZING layouts our creative team has made with these, don't you? Well, they definitely don't disappoint! Check these beauties out (click on the image to see a larger version)...
Don't forget to pick up any Christmas kits you've had on your wish list as well because they are 60% off through the end of this month!
Have a great day!